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1 Sep 2017

After the application period for Smart Port Challenge 2017 closed, TNB proceeded to schedule for the challenge owners to select the start-ups they would be interested to meet and work with. As TNB wanted to provide more value than simply a picking session, TNB brought in Partner, Kelvin Ong to conduct a Crash course on the inside mechanics of a Venture Capital firm.

This served not only as a good introduction to the booming technology start-up world but also gave TNB the opportunity to educate the challenge owners on how they should evaluate the potential of each start-up presented to them.
Each challenge owner was then presented the start-ups that were relevant to their problem areas before having a week to submit a list of companies they would like to meet. At the end of the process, 42 sessions were scheduled in the MPA office.
In the matching sessions that followed, each start-up was given a scheduled 15 minutes to give a more complete pitch about their solutions and answer any questions the challenge owners might have had. It was also an opportunity for the start-ups to negotiate the commitment level and resources available for the Proof-of-concept deployment required from the challenge owners.